What is an SSL Certificate and How It Helps Your Website to Grow

What is an SSL Certificate – Updated June 2020

Have you ever seen your website appearing as an “unsecured site” in Google Chrome? If yes, then you must want to know the reason behind it. In this blog, we are going to discuss that issue.

The most relevant reason for this issue is not having an SSL certificate that converts your web pages into secure and encrypted HTTPS pages.

A few people may believe that there’s no requirement for an SSL certificate if your site isn’t utilized to store or process very sensitive data, or that a HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is sufficient. To learn the difference between HTTP and HTTPS go to this link: https://www.instantssl.com/https-tutorials/what-is-https.html

ssl certificate secures your website
An SSL certificate converts your web pages into secure and encrypted HTTPS pages

This theory worked for years, but today this will not give you any benefit.

A “Not secure” tag comes as a result of the SSL certificate absence. When users see the warning, they’ll be less likely to stay on your website or interact with your organization.
Learn more about Not Secure tag here: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/10/avoid-not-secure-warn

First of all, you need to understand what does SSL stands for.

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL certificates are some kind of data files that add a cryptographic key together with the organization’s information and details.

In layman’s, SSL certificate binds a domain name, hostname, and server name, together with a company’s name and location.

When these certificates are installed on a web server, they activate a padlock that indicates that a secure and safe connection is being used between the web server and the browser.

Usually, SSLs are used to secure logins, payment transactions, and data transfer.

How Does An SSL Work?

When you visit a website, then its web server with an SSL certificate sends the browser a copy of the certificate for review.

Then, the browser checks to decide whether or not it trusts that certificate. The browser makes this decision based on who signed that certificate. If the browser allows the certificate, it reverts the message to the webserver.

Then, the webserver reverts a digitally signed affirmation and an SSL encrypted session starts.
There are many benefits of using SSL certificates.

SSL makes a secure session to enhance the safe browsing experience for your customers. It builds trust that helps in boosting conversions.

Types of SSL Certificate:

Usually, SSLs is used to secure logins, payment transactions, and data transfer

SSLs is used to secure logins
Usually, SSLs is used to secure logins, payment transactions and data transfer
  1. Domain Validated (DV SSL) Certificates
  2. Organisation Validated (OV SSL) Certificates
  3. Extended Validation (EV SSL) Certificates

No company paperwork is needed to get Domain Validated SSL. Any website can get this almost immediately.

This doesn’t show any company details on the certificate but is enough for activating the padlock in the URL.

Organization validated SSLs are more secure than DV SSL, so in order to get it:

  • You need to authenticate your organisation.
  • You need to prove your right to request a certification.

After meeting these requirements, you will get OV SSL in two days.

This activates padlock in the URL as well as it gives some kind of site seal. You can read more about site seal here: https://www.webpagefx.com/blog/web-design/developing-trust-towards-your-website-options/

Extended Validation SSL certificates require several steps before they can be obtained. To get an EV SSL certificate:

  • You must verify the existence of your company.
  • You must verify that the identity of your company matches with official records.
  • You must verify that your company has the right to use the listed domain.
  • You must verify that your company has authorized the issuance of the SSL certificate.

ssl certificate to make your website grow in 2020EV SSL certificates are harder to obtain in comparison to others, but these are the most secure. It takes a couple of days to get it. This allows the company name to be shown after padlock.

You can purchase any of the above-explained SSL from some sites like Godaddy, Cloudflare, etc., according to your website’s needs and budget.

Now, giant search engines like Google and Bing have started giving importance to the sites that have SSL certificates installed on their server.

If you want to obtain the top ranking in the SERP, you should install any of the SSL certificates.


This year has brought significant changes in day to day functioning. With people staying and working, educating, shopping from home, loads of confidential data moved to the Internet. Thus, the awareness of individuals has increased. If you want people to go to your site, they have to trust you. Securing your page with SSL certificates would help you build the confidence.

Most of the web designing and SEO services providing companies suggest the website owner to purchase and install the SSL certificates as per their need and budget.